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Kids Camp 2023


Thanks for your interest in kids camp!

WHY: We have camp because investing into the next generation that God has given us to steward is one of the most important things we can do. 

WHAT: Kids will have an epic time with tons of recreation, kids sessions, and- best of all- faith building around Jesus. 

WHO: Kids camp is an overnight camp for kids whose grade is 3-6 in the fall of 2023!

WHEN: June 21-24, 2023

WHERE: Lake Geneva Christian Center in Alexandria, MN is our camp

This is a beautiful campus that includes a variety of accommodations, dining hall, worship center, and tons of recreation - including a beach front, gym, rock climbing wall, gaga ball arenas, land blob, nerf zone, and numerous fields for structured activities!


  • ​9 warm & delicious buffet style meals

  • 3 nights housing

  • 6 kids sessions about Jesus

  • 3 epic team rec sessions

  • And much more

  • $248


Camp is a setting that’s filled with fun where students can grow in friendship with others and most importantly grow in their personal faith in Jesus too!

Start the registration process here to save a spot for your kid(s) - At least fill out the info you know to save the spot and then come back to it if you need additional info.

Registration not working for you? Here is an explanation here

Camp FAQ

Registration and cancellations are administered by the Minnesota District Council. Cancellation questions can be directed to Linda at

Parents have the option of requesting at least one friend their child would like to room with based on availability. Thrive Church does not make the sleeping assignments but we can request. 

Homesickness is real, and it spreads quickly at a kids camp! Because of this, we do not allow kids to “phone home” while at camp. Of course in case of emergencies, we will contact parents immediately!

Additionally, because of the fast-paced schedule and the aforementioned risk of homesickness, we prefer parents to avoid calling their child while they’re at camp, again, except for emergencies.


A typical day in the life of a camper includes...

7:45am - Wake-up, Breakfast
9:00am - Free Time
10:00am - Morning Service
11:30am - Small Group Time
12:00pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Halftime [structured games]
2:30pm - Rec Rotations
5:30pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Evening Service
9:00pm - Prepare for Bed
9:45pm - Lights Out

More questions? We'd love to answer any. Message our fb page or

Welcome gift

We would love to have a personalized card & welcome gift waiting for you near the door when you arrive! Click the "Plan Your Visit" button below:

Ha barn?
Att planera ditt besök hos oss hjälper också barn att checka in snabbare för första gången som checkar in dina barn. Se till att inkludera dem.


Gudstjänst - söndagar kl 10.00

24 12th Ave SW

Pelican Rapids, MN

(den gamla Maplewood Vet)



PO Box 300

Pelican Rapids, MN 56572


Ring: 218-234-2177

Thrive Church Logo with Facebook icon
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